
Pata Pata Jewelry Blog

90’s Fashion Trends That Are Coming Back To Life

Silver Septum Jewelry | Neptune's Child

From $27.75 USD
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Get back to your retro style

In fashion, nothing is permanent. Trends—they come and go. But the best thing about the fashion industry is that they are forgiving to their prodigal sons (aka outdated trends) and there are times when they would welcome it home with a bang!

We cannot deny the fact that the past few decades have been a good one for the fashion industry. They have introduced revolutionary, out-of-this-world trends that we have been hooked into. But we cannot also turn our backs to the fact that 90’s has introduced to us some amazing trends that we cannot let go of. That decade has shown us some rebellious, edgy and effortless style that many women in this generation embrace. Because of this, we can see some of the 90’s fashion trends coming back to life in the runway. What are these trends that we are talking about?

Here are some of them:


Chokers have taken the once popular flower crowns out of the picture and it is now the center of attraction for music festival and alternative fashion lovers. Today, women would like to show off their tough side and prove everyone that they can look badass while looking sexy. Well, that is what chokers are all about. This accessory adds a touch of edginess to your look and will certainly make any outfit look more badass. Pair this necklace with a V neckline and you will be able to create the illusion of a longer and slimmer neck which ladies would surely like to have.

Slip dress

Yes, these dresses make you look as if you are wearing a lingerie outside but that is where its appeal actually lies in. It helps you to unleash the sexy vixen inside of you in the subtlest way possible. If you are afraid you can’t wear it on its own, we recommend that you wear a blazer over it.


When you first saw models in magazines wearing these, you may have done a double take. After all, it is like walking down memory lane because you have certainly worn one of these during your childhood years. Well, you can still wear it now, no matter what your age is. This is actually a no-brainer when it comes to picking an outfit that will make you stand out.

Denim Jacket

Before, denim jackets are worn by people anytime, all the time! Now, we use it to tone down the girly and elegant feel of many clothes, like maxi dresses or skirts. If you want to achieve a cooler look, we recommend that you opt for a distressed one.

Truly, the 90’s fashion trends have shown us something remarkable and groundbreaking. That is why it does not come a surprise that these trends are making a big come back today. So, which of these 90’s trends do you love? Which of these will you wear and how do you plan on wearing it? Share your thoughts with us! We would like to hear from you at the comment section!

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